
2019-03-12 12:43:00

Teatro Malibran, Venezia, Italia,

Albinoni: La Statira című operájának értékelése

Albinoni: La Statira című operájának megtekintése a Teatro Malibran-ban, 2019, március 9.-én

Francesco Erle rendered Albinoni’s Statira excellently. Lidia Fridman outshined everybody else, but Ligia Ishitani’s and Yi Hao Duan’s performances were also excellent! The chromatic continuo accompaniments were brilliant. The complicately interwoven polyphonic final movement was like Steffani or Marcello.

Due to the coincidence I was able to listen to and record only the internet stream of Montéclair’s Jephté in the rendering of the Purcell Choir and Orfeo Orchestra.