
2019-09-17 14:44:00

Ås, Norwegian University of Life Sciences,

Előadás Norvégiában: „Terrain-design in various aspects”

„Terrain-design in various aspects” - The methodology of teaching from artistic earth sculpturing to landform-modelling, Módszertani előadás az Európai Tájépítész Iskolák találkozóján (ECLAS - UNISCAPE) Norvégiában.

Konferencia tanulmánykötete

The terrain modelling is one of most important and most complex issue in landscape architecture (beside the planting design). The terrain is a physical material and a tool as well to create better open spaces. First students need to experience the materiality and plasticity of the soil, the levels of fictility and spatial dimensions of the ground. On the second hand they need to understand the symbolic meaning, the artistic concept in the landform-sculpturing as well as functional needs of the site. The third issues they need to beware is the technical detailing and its economical parameters. All of these must be taught and applied conjointly in dialog with each other in order to achieve a long-lasting sustainable design.

In our presentation we shall demonstrate our specific pedagogical methods and achievements done in the last years at the Department of Garden Art and Garden Techniques, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, at Szent István University, Budapest.

Our main goal is to introduce this wide range of terrain-tasks in the point of view of artistic and technical detailing aspects to all our student. We want to provide them the “experience the creating” and the “complexity of thinking and solution making” as well.