
2020-04-19 15:58:00

Idegen nyelvű belvárosi kultúrséták a dallamok útvonalán.

Elindultak az OpeRandi társas sétái, amelyben 1-1 hazánkba látogató külföldi személyt kalauzolok egy zenei-kulturális sétán, megidézve a régi teázós szalonok hangulatát, ugyanakkor ötvözve azt a ma formatervezésével és építészetével, mindezt a zene szemüvegén keresztül.

A séták a járványügyi helyzet miatt jelenleg felfüggesztés alatt állnak, alább olvasható az angol nyelvű leírás, valamint az elérhetősége az  Airbnb oldalán.


At first, we will visit the glamorous, cultural building „Vigadó”. We will take an architectural walk inside the romantic building, while I am going to guide you into the life of salons and elegant music evenings in the 19th century. We will also talk about the rules of the concert halls, about the Claques for example, and about the dress code. After our tour in the world of Hungarian music and arcitecture in the past, we will jump into present and the world of Design.

We are going to visit a Hungarian designer showroom of glasses at Ferenciek tere, where the glasses are made of music:), actually from Vinyl records. Each and every piece is unique, Elton John has got his glasses from this shop as well. We will take a look into the procedure, how this glasses are made. After our little shop visit, we will end our walk on he top of Budapest. We will slip a delicious capuccino at the rooftop bar of the  Music Hotel "Aria" which has an etxraordinary design: it was inspired by music. The Hotel is dedicated to one of four major genres of music: Classical, Opera, Contemporary, and Jazz. You can find in every corner some music elements and you have a stunning view of the Rooftop Bar, having the dome of the St. Stehphens Basilica next to you.

Spending a little time in this Bar will make your heart sing:)

I am lookig forward to show you the center of Budapest throught the lense of music.

