
2021-11-24 15:50:00

Masaryk University, Brno, online

AI, Art and Consciousness – Metatheories of Algorythmic Creativity

While in the process of thinking about thinking we use our past-experiences, in AI-researches we face with totally new intellectual situations. I would like to show that it is not so easy to step out from our metaphorical thinking even while working with technologies.

Masaryk University's conference on Artificial Intelligence uses the latest technological innovation in the field of AI. My lecture is based on the theoretical results of the 21st century's meta-creativity-researches. I use the term of 'creativity' in the connection of art and artistic creation by giving the meta-theoretical basis of human artistic activities. 

„Thinking about thinking” is the intellectual course of metatheory. We have used it for ages in science and philosophy while examining methods, notions or effects of a theory or a social phenomenon. In the 21st century it gives way to link the theoretical results of certain disciplines. While in the process of thinking about thinking we use our past-experiences, in AI-researches we face with totally new intellectual situations. In my lecture I indicate some of the main artistic points of AI-researches such as the notion of „artificial artist”, the definition of artificial creativity, and finally the essential aesthetic character of AI technologies. I would like to show that it is not so easy to step out from our metaphorical thinking even while working with technologies. The reason for this is our cognitive abilities, namely that if we meet something totally new we want to connect it to something we know. This is the case when we are thinking about AI. I will also point out that this human character of thinking is not so easy to imitate with algorythms because human consciousness cannot be modelled yet. I focus on a contemporary algorithmic metatheory which uses the results of pataphysics to preserve digital human sciences from dipping into mere application of new technologies. This viewpoint helps us to avoid the nightmare of AI-philosophy: the hypothetical zombies.