Glassification.hu kiállítás a belgrádi Iparművészeti Múzeumban
The exhibition Glassification.hu – Glassmakers from Hungary is a traveling exhibition that will be presented in 15 cities all over the world during the next two years. After London, Venice and Helsinki, this exclusive exhibition has arrived at the Belgrade Museum of Applied Art.
The following artists will present their works at the exhibition: Endre Gaál, László Lukácsi, Marta Edöcs, Anita Darabos, Péter Borkovics, Kira László, Kristóf Bihari, Balázs Sipos, Eszter Bösze and Amala Gyöngyvèr Varga. Each artist is represented with two works created especially for this exhibition.
The exhibition provides an insight into the technological diversity typical of contemporary Hungarian glass and consists of glass sculptures characterized by a high level of abstraction. The high artistic quality of the works is confirmed by the fact that these authors, also incorporating young artists, are the winners of more than thirty important domestic and international awards, and more than fifty of their works are displayed in the most prominent public collections in Hungary, Europe and the world.
The name of the exhibition is based on the rarely used English noun glassification, which means transformation into glass. In addition to semantically fitting the topic, this word is also a reference to the term gamification, and at the same time it is rhythmic and attractive in its sound. The suffix .hu refers to the digital age and creates a strong link with Hungary.