
2023-08-14 18:49:00

■ Mark Horvath, Adam Lovasz: Baudrillard as Pataphysicist: Unknowledge Production for the Pluriverse In Baudrillard Now International Academic Journal Volume 4. Issue 1 Spring 2023 E-ISSN 2728-3089 (2023)

■ Mark Horvath, Adam Lovasz: Baudrillard as Pataphysicist: Unknowledge Production for the Pluriverse In Baudrillard Now International Academic Journal Volume 4. Issue 1 Spring 2023 E-ISSN 2728-3089 (2023)

■ Mark Horvath, Adam Lovasz: Baudrillard as Pataphysicist: Unknowledge Production for the Pluriverse In Baudrillard Now International Academic Journal Volume 4. Issue 1 Spring 2023 E-ISSN 2728-3089 (2023)