2023-05-20 13:00:00
Tulipan Galery, Center of Hungatian Arts, New York
Sensibility of Hand - Art of Creative Craftship
A New York-i Tulipan Gallery-ben nyílt csoportos kiállításunk: "Sensibility of Hand" – Art of Creative Craftship címmel amely a Madison Avenue Spring Gallery Walk program részeként is szerepelt. A New Yorkban élő magyar gyerekek kreatív workshopokon kóstolhattak bele az alkotói munkafolyamatokba
Come explore the incredible glass work of Gergely Pattantyús. He is an expert and versatile Hungarian glass designer. He carries out research, teaches glassmaking, refabricates glass objects from the past, while actively practicing every phase of glass making, from design to melting glass, to glassblowing. His research work focuses on the predominant shapes, common proportions, and glass production techniques utilized in creating historical glass objects. His goal is to archive the extant technical knowledge thereby keeping Hungarian glassblowing techniques alive.
Meet Gergely and see his work on display at Tulipán Gallery: Sensibility of Hand – Art of Creative Craftship exhibition, featuring the artwork of the Réka Darida Foundation annual folk design grantees from Hungary. Artists’ creations will be on sale at the Tulipán Gallery’s first-ever fair (vásár). You will also be able to enjoy the sounds of live, traditional Hungarian folk music and more!
Tulipán Gallery of the Réka Darida Foundation
1065 Madison Avenue, New York
Exhibit hours: 1:00 - 7:00 pm - anyone can join us during these open hours, no registration required
Curator talks: 2:30 and 4:30pm