

2024-06-07 00:00:00


The Narratives of Budapest book is out!

Narratives of Budapest – a collection of essays

“Narratives of Budapest” explores the past, the present and, in some ways, the future of Budapest as seen by our remarkable contemporaries: city experts, artists, writers, local historians, journalists, art curators, researchers, cultural managers, and more.
The long-time inhabitants of the city are those storytellers who, altogether, create the main story of Budapest, as it’s constantly being written.

We're excited to celebrate the release of this unique book! In any project like this there comes a moment when ephemeral idea gains form, its internal coherence and vibrancy. Things seem to just start happening, almost as if on their own. New people come onboard. Visual style emerges. All the pieces fall in their places, and become a continuous narrative about the city. In the book, an interview can be read with Viola Pleskovics - member of the scholarship of MMA - made by Patrycja Rup curator.