The Purge - vetítés és live-act Frankfurtban
Gergely Pápai's films present a slow journey or floating above familiar landscapes that are impossible to connect with on a tangible level, yet emotionally we become entangled with the unfolding visuals and the deeper layers they conceal. It’s a drifting between not-too-close and not-too-far, an unusual pace of contemplation, an analysis of the impact and reflection on our own city or living environment, on its landscapes and nature, and on its effects on us—ourselves—providing an opportunity for experiencing or contemplating upon it, all through these two slow films.
The films are silent films, accompanied by sound/music utilizing a plethora of devices. Analog synthesizers, random structures, gritty audio textures, emerging and dissipating soundscapes. This live-act experiment will attempt to tame an uncontrollably complex system, often generating interferences or happy accidents.
28.11.2023, Einlass ab 20:00, beginnt ca. 20:30
Eintritt 8 Euro
INM – Institut für Neue Medien, Schmickstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt am Main
Der Eingang ist auf der rechten Seite des Gebäudes, dann die Treppen bis zum obersten Stock laufen.